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Special Congregational Meeting
January 28th, 2024 

11:15am | Beginning after 10am Service

How to Access the Meeting Online


(Information for those unable to attend in-person. Votes are only counted for members of Horizon Church Jacó.)

*Note: This Page on the church website will be updated immediately following the 10am service. We will do our best to get the link up and live to view the meeting in an efficient and timely manner, but we do ask for your patience as we transition from the in-person worship service to our scheduled meeting time at 11:15am.  If you have questions, please contact our church phone (+506- 8492-6816) and a staff member will answer immediately during this transition time*


For those who are unable to attend the meeting in person we propose the following guidelines for how to access the meeting and submit votes:


  1. To view online, you can watch the Youtube Live Stream Video below. The video will be updated following the service.

  2. Online viewers must sign in by writing their name in the chat box located on the website. 

  3. If there are multiple viewers on the same device, please list all viewer names. 

  4. Viewers submit their individual votes by written response in the online chat box.  

  5. Votes are only valid during the livestream.  The livestream will end immediately after the in-person meeting is dismissed. 

Documents for Meeting

Livestream Below 

Slate for New Deacons 

and Elders


New Elder Nominees:

- Brett Gunderson

- Rob Ramos

- Ron Youde


2nd Year

- Rick Hasse

- Fernando Pinero


New Deacon Nominees:

- Cliff Gaskill

- Ramu Baker

- Kristina Gunderson

- Trina Montero Porras

- Marvin Elizondo

- Aracelly Silva

- Ann Reimer (re-elect)


2nd Year

- Randy Diaz

- Pilar Bentacourt

- Jessica Quesada

- Henry Quesada

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